Monday, September 25, 2006
The Philippine Lesbian Mafia
Aliens we ought to have known better
They (Dinky, et al --- pinch the behind of Dinkeh) cry in front of media, explain their purpose of helping the poor to everyone and sundry, they shout in the streets for the Truth to come out, for Justice to the People, for their and the People's Rage over the Murder of the Impeachment, for Mikey Arroyo's touching "auntie's" knees and therefore making scandalous behavior that makes him just rightly the scion of parents they call bastos, they are the Moral Majority, they will make everyone who stand in their way pay highly for it! Dinky told the media, she cried in front of her children when she agonized over the decision to leave GMA. Then she declared in public that it was her children who made her finally quit, she tearfully narrated.
Enter The Lesbian Mafia!!!
Eventually Ms. Dinky and her Master (is she a lesbo too? Nooo....) tailed like hobbits, the lady of the house of the late FPJ. Tagging along is Gabriela Silang's muse, Ms. Liza Masama. Kuuuuuu!!! (Slap Left! Slap Right! Box Ears!)
God, did they look like the quintessential abnormals to Susan's regal form. They probably would have loved ... uhhmmm recruiting Ms. Susie and her beautiful Sonora nieces into their orgies. But salivate all they could. Ms. Susie appears prim and proper and would not enter the coven of daemons lest she be devoured alive by them witcy bitches. Humppph!
When Dinky (Mrs. Corazon Juliano Soliman hold colored hair, pull haaaardd!!!), closet homosexual, and her compatriots Ana Leah Sarabia, Aida Santos, Ms. Liza Ma... and their other fellow lesbians get together, who cares if there are children around? Who cares! They smooch to death and get drunk and have sex orgies from the time they start up to daylight of the following age when they get tired finally. And there is no easy way to tire them. No one knows what is the moral in that? No one can tell where ever is the redeeming value in these horrible, dastardly acts?
Recently, they proudly declared, whenever they have sex orgies, they shout at the top of their orgasm, OUST GLORIAAAAA!!!! IBAGSAK SI GLORIAAAAA!!!! BAKET NANDIYAN KA PA!!!! FUCKU!!! FUCKU!!! FUCKU!!! PUTANG INA SHEEEEEEEET!!!!! GLORIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LULLLLLEEEEEEE PAAAAAAAP!!!!!!
They must love the head of state overly to keep shouting her name endlessly, these turds. (I mean, what the fuck are they up to anyway?)
One wonders how truly moral they can get that they rape young women and were raping the country while they were in Malacañang, overlords of PCSO, DSWD, DOH projects, DAR and in many other important sections of the government.
Bepore they joined Malacañang, they had been stealing from foreign funders -- always saying deficit-deficit-deficit, then later the Department of Agrarian Reform, and then the alleged CIA front organizations, the intelligence community, and they stole from many other places where the money is to be had by the millions.
Today, they have a handle over UN projects, have infiltrated USAID, while they cuss straight guy and conservative US President Bush at his back. They suck the money from US, EUROPE, Canada, Australia, among many other donor countries.
Previously, they screwed a Jesuit priest that they assigned as President of PEACE FOUNDATION, and then they proceeded to steal P1.7 Billions in broad daylight through the Peace Bonds deal. They run off with many hundreds of milions each and gave the PEACE FOUNDATION a pittance leaving the poor Jesuit priest answering all the questions about why he stole P1.7 Billions!!! Por dios por Santo!!!
Indeed, they must really be the Moral Majority. And the people must believe in them, for they need power. They need billions of funds. They need operatives to maim, kill, demonize, rally and even stage a coup for them in the coming days.
They are promoting the coup in the country that will follow the Thailand model. And they want to be behind the coup plotters, notwithstanding the fact that they are part of the planning themselves. They just want their participation not to be very much known.
Now fortunately, they sigh that they feel better they are no longer in Malacañang that they call the male snakes' pit. They are with their new-found "ally" and fellow Mafiosa officer, JohnBoy Madregall.

Mafiosas so close.
They boast of worldwide networks, strong alliances, with gays, and other kinds of homosexuals including the ones living in Sodom and Gomorrah.
These, dear friends are the Lesbian Mafia! Haiiii!!!! (Kick! Karate chop!)
Watch out, on the pretense they'll do dirty dancing with y'all, they'll stick you up and suck you to Kingdom come and make you sorry for it on national television!
Spunky little devils!!! Punk shits!!!
May they get struck by the sword against destabilizaiton not once, not twice and many times over!!!
(Chok!!! Chok!!! Chok!!!)
(Splok!!! Splok!!! Splok!!!)