Sunday, September 27, 2009
The Stupid Weather
Labels: Chorus Line, DOST, Gene Kelly, Hurricane Katrina, Ketsana, NDCC, Ondoy, Pagasa, Pres. Gloria Arroyo, Sec. Gilberto Teodoro Jr., Song, stupid forecast
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Noynoy and Mar
I truly wonder what is it that these people keep saying, to sustain the battle they won against tyranny?
Won against whom? Marcos? It’s a lie. The country in the Edsa 1 exercise indeed won, but from being taken over by communists.
Now they’re running their horse to race in the 2010 derby. Without the people behind them. Without any backing or support. Without a solid machinery. Only with a few so-called protest-protest rally-rally demo-demo style of campaign to boast of. And they cannot even muster a good crowd. Only with bad words on teevee or in newspapers. And they don’t even have a decent audience or readership. People get tired of being told shit everytime, day in and day out. Also business doesn’t like shit in the air. And workers mostly so, because who needs shit in their hapag kainan? Por Dios por Santo!!!
The people of the late Cory are fucking insane. And now they’re making it look like the Erap boys and girls, everybody else, is jumping into their bandwagon. No fucking way!
That would be the height of stupidity. True, we are really against the Cory gang winning in the 2010 elections, but not without a basis.
When Johnny Ponce Enrile and the late Pres. Ferdie Marcos decided that the ascent of the communists and socialists together with the avowed centrists to government during the 1985-1986 highly volatile political environment was imminent, due to the defiance of some Marcos Loyalists, opportunists in Malacañang like Gen. Fabian C. Ver and his minions, the subterfuge of a strong faction in the United States Government, they decided to launch a plan to take over the insipient revolution in the country.
A component of the overall plan was Operation Plan “G_____” that instructed the primary agents of the government to nip the coming social upheaval in the bud and place themselves (Marcos’ agents) in positions of power. This was an application of Regis DeBray’s concept of the foco revolution that was executed by Fidel Castro and Ernesto “Che” Guevarra.
Marcos’ agents successfully did so and the threat of the Communists, Socialists, even illegitimate personalities that were hangers-on in the Cory group called Yellow Army climbing into Malacañang, did not happen just like that. The military was close on their heels and became the hungry pack of wolves’ check and balance.
Writer Cecil Arillo says after Edsa 1, the United States government refused the proposal of Marcos’ agents, Fidel Valdez Ramos and Juan Ponce Enrile to form a civil-military junta. The US imposed upon them the so-called “Constitutional path” where then housewife Corazon Cojuangco Aquino alias Cory will sit as president instead of the two (2) or any one of them as leader of the country under the vestiges of civilian-military junta rule.
Being grateful to the US government’s support for the success of anti-communist/socialist operation that later became known as the Edsa 1 military putsch backed by civilian support, Enrile and Ramos acceded to the US’ conditions.
For the plan to succeed, Marcos who, according to my late father, had been overtaken by age and disease and could no longer control all of this factotums like Ver, Gen. Ochoco, Eduardo Cojuangco, Jr., among many, many others around him, had to make the ultimate sacrifice by agreeing to depart Malacañang and be emplaned to Clark Air Base and then to Hawai’i, USA.
Thus did Madam Corazon Cojuangco Aquino Cory become president by default since according to the US government, Enrile and Ramos, leaders of the putsch cannot become RP’s national leaders, without courting charges of unconstitutional accession to power.
Supposedly, the excesses of the Marcos minions who went wayward and no longer wanted to toe the line of ideology of the New Society: Revolution from the Center, written by Blas F. Ople, Adrian Cristobal, Jose Crisol, then Capt. or Maj. Jose T. Almonte, and many other brainthrusts of Marcos, were to be cured and addressed during the new revolutionary government under the aegis of Enrile, Ramos, Cory and her Vice President, Salvador Laurel.
Cory with her dyslexia, her hungry hangers-on, her rapacious relatives and “classmates” in her frequent mahjong sessions all over town, or in her own house in Times St., or even now in plush settings after becoming president, drove Enrile, Ramos and Laurel away almost with a single sweep of her hand.
She proceeded to undertake the sale of the country’s patrimony, starting with the sale of Fort Bonifacio, to the private sector at the promise of a windfall of skim money for her and her close ones. The sale of many other portions of the country little by little was also made by the Cory regime.
She signed with Swiss authorities the transfer of the Marcos wealth to the Philippines but inserted riders that she herself, her family and her quislings will get fat commissions from the Marcos so-called “stolen, hidden gold.” Madre di Dios!!!
She allowed the destruction of records of millions of chinese nationals opening the country to a literal silent invasion of illegals from China who are now occupying stalls in fast-rising buildings as sellers of dirt cheap items and posh subdivision houses manufacturing shabu. Many or most of them have even mastered some Tagalog words coming from their Filipina wife or set of wives or their own handlers in the country that take care of their billeting and the learning of a few functional terms in Filipino dialects. When they make it big, they transfer to the exclusive villages scattered all over Metro Manila.
Certainly, China is not only Cory’s clientele. Many nationals from other countries benefited from her regime, thanks to the close connections her so-called allies in the vaunted National Union of Christian Democrats (NUCD) had with the European mafia that opened the floodgates for European criminals to launder their money in the Philippines during the Aquino presidency or else ply their illegal / criminal trade in or through the country.
In the time of Cory up to the time of Erap, drug trafficking syndicates started to flood the country with dangerous drugs, beginning with transshipment by the LIM clan that according to a government informant, was using the front of a shipping company or group of companies, that later became share holders of the defunct URBAN BANK -- now renamed to Import and Export Bank.
Not surprisingly, Sergio “Serge” Osmeña and possibly the other Osmeñas are joining the campaign for the son of Cory.
Serge and son, are one of the protectors of local lords of transnational drug trafficking syndicates in the country.
One of Serge’s wards is now in prison but continues to ply his illegal trade with the able runner capabilities of Serge’s son and girl friend, a high society party goer and all time punk girl. You see them trek to their base of operations in the heart of Makati City, just behind the RCBC Plaza, the bailiwick of the Yellow Army commanded by its Lord Mayor, Jesus Jose Maria! Cabauatan Binay popularly known as Jejomar or Jojo, also very, very big in protecting drug trafficking syndicates providing illicit services to the rich in the exclusive enclaves of Makati and the poor in the decrepit areas of his Lordship.
Sen. Benigno “Noynoy” Cojuangco Aquino III who also fondly known as Noy, the only male child of Sen. Benigno S. Aquino, Jr. Ninoy and Cory some say, is not really all that “well.”
According to the irritated group of the deposed president Joseph Estrada (terribly annoyed because possibly the late FPJ’s supporter Linggoy Alcuaz and his companions in the FPJ movement will now support Noynoy and leave Erap behind), aspirant future President of the Republic of the Philippines Noynoy Aquino was born an autistic child. If this is indeed true, Noynoy must probably have been treated as a special child in his youth by doctors expert in autism. Noynoy, as those in the same age bracket with him in the late 40s and 50s, was observed to be one of the least exposed children of the couple Ninoy and Cory.
(We asked the Erap boys and girls why they say that Noynoy is an autistic. They could not provide proof but in their faces, you could see they were mightily convinced Noynoy is a mongoloid. “It’s in the family, they say.” Is it really true? Who knows, it might just be.)
The son of Ma. Kristine Bernadette “Kris” Cojuangco Aquino with motion pictures actor Phillip Salvador, Joshua fondly known as “Josh,” is a mongoloid or special child and he possibly has the same genes of Noynoy. As the Erap boys and girls are saying.
The mother of Noynoy and Josh’ grandmother, the late Cory, on the other hand, actually was diagnosed and was being treated for a non-contaminable but highly dangerous disease called dyslexia. Cory would suffer bouts of mental paralysis due to the collapse of one or both of her lungs causing the ill stricken subject to lose control while involuntarily able to make extremity motions (hand, feet, minor ear, eye, nose movements, etc.).
The diseased subject is able to function with simple writing like signing documents with hand, walking or running with feet, barely hearing words or commands, etc. but unable to process these in his / her mind. In short, dyslexics perform unintelligent motions like a zombie since the mind of the ill subject is dead for the entire period when the lungs are in the collapsed state. This version of dyslexia was what afflicted the late Cory. There are other forms and manifestations of dyslexia, but that could be the subject of another post.
(Just imagine how many checks, contracts, presidential appointments, agreements and treaties she could have signed in those attacks of her disease! No wonder why the country went to the dogs!!! But really, ang suwerte naman ng lahat na puwede makapunta sa kanya ng malapitan, medaling mag pa sign, kahit ano, di ba? My! My! Dios mio!!! Que horror!!!)
It is possible that this condition of the late Cory is the reason why Noynoy is a special child. Notwithstanding the fact that during lucid intervals, the late Cory was a highly opinionated person (she was naturally born that way) --- making her appear as a firmly determined, strong-willed person.
In reality the late Cory was simply a one-track brain individual; there are millions of others that share the same brain as the late Cory -- born and later bred to become unaccepting of explanation, reason, qualification, argument except her own. Once Cory and her like-minded one-track brain individuals form an opinion about something, there is no use bending her. She would simply not accept it. It was not Cory’s fault she was born like that, however, but it certainly did not qualify her greatly for the job of president.
A one-track brain person is just short of an idiot, or idiot savante (but an idiot nonetheless). This characteristic is not handed down to someone born under different circumstances. But the effect of the said characteristic of a person on others is extremely huge. It can turn people born to parents with one-track brains into abnormal children growing up to become dysfunctional adults.
However, while Cory suffered her dyslexia in silence and in secret, this serious health abnormality of a Philippine president was upstaged by her terminal illness when she was no longer in Malacañang, her alleged colon cancer that she supposedly died from.
Now our would-be president Noynoy appears to be fully cured of his ailment if it is true he was born with autism. Possibly this is due to very expensive treatment by foreign doctors. However, this could be open-ended. It might be the reason why Noynoy cannot take on girl friends (or boy friends?) for a lengthy period of time. This could also be the reason why Sen. Panfilo Lacson is vehemently against Kris for opposing the possible, if impossible, union of his former secretary (Ms. Shalani Soledad) and Noynoy. Kris is also against Noynoy marrying anyone, for fear that “it might complicate things.” Kris did not elucidate on the matter about the “things.”
There is a danger however remote, that he might lapse into an autistic fit and die or kill / cause the death by accident of, the one he is immediately next to.
Now our sneaky little devil Lacson should stop all that bullshit about Shalani and Noynoy getting engaged and marrying. Everybody knows that Senadora Doctora Luisa “Loi” Pimentel Ejercito is mad at Tita Ping for being a first rate bugaw. Tita Ping likes match making. When he sees a person with a good job and with much to offer, like the United States Drug Enforcement Agency resident agent in the Philippines, Tita Ping always makes it a point to bugaw a girl for that high official. You never know when you might need a favor someday, right? Or you never know what your bubwit girl can chismis to you about the man to whom Tita made bugaw her to.
Noynoy should be left alone by Tita, you never know if he will just suddenly get trapped, be killed, figure in an accident if and when Tita gets wind of his activities that could threaten Tita’s well-being or harm her nice complexion. And Shalani will be better off leaving Noynoy alone to his devices.
Perhaps Noynoy is really cured, for he is even now into extreme games. The aspirant president is an aficionado of dangerous high powered guns, among other lethal weapons. Noynoy is a member of an exclusive gun owners’ club made up of young and adult filthy rich chinese in the Philippines. The suppliers of this exclusive gun club are chinese gun runners one of whom is a certain Jonathan Yu, a huge, fat fellow who share the house with his dad and a huge real life predator pet shark in a giant aquarium. (Who ever keeps sharks for pets?) Jonathan is a big time gun runner living in the vicinity of the Tatalon, Araneta Ave. area in Quezon City. This guy has a large firing range where Noynoy and his chinese, other friends troop to and shoot their deadly weapons. Guess who else is invited to Jonathan’s house? Big time police officials and the daughter of former Vice Pres. Tito G! What a crowd they make!
This Jonathan is no ordinary gun runner. He is not only close to the political enemies of the Lady by the Pasig River, but he gets his protection from big guns of the PNP as well as the AFP and the NBI.
Jonathan and Noynoy associate with their fellow chinese or half-chinese -- possibly many of them are even tied up to drug trafficking syndicates operating in the country. Who would know? They’re too exclusive, you can’t get inside their circles easy.
Despite the so-called gun shooting and gun lover macho image of Noynoy, it is said that he is a homosexual. Of course, it’s not true, Shalani and Tita Ping will say.
The strong personality of his mother, Cory could not have caused Noynoy to become heterosexual but an aberrant in his sexual behavior. Like Kris who tremendously enjoys having sex specially with very old men.
At present, Noynoy, to prove his virility and masculinity further aside from shooting high powered guns, is said to be living-in with a bold star, a certain BARBARA MILANO.
The problem with Noynoy being President, is that there will be more than the six Little Presidents of the late Ronald Allan Kelly POE FPJ if and when he wins. As an autistic, Noynoy’s decisionmaking will be left to no less than one hundred Little Presidents in and out of Malacañang starting from the numerous sisters, brothers-in-law, nephews, nieces, and the factotums of Cory, associates of the late Sen. Benigno Aquino, Jr., etc.
Mar, the one of two Manuel the Thirds
Sen. Manuel A. Roxas II Mar, is the publicly known son of Sen. Gerardo Roxas and the grandson of Pres. Manuel Acuña Roxas. The subject also publicly affirms he is actually a grandson of Pres. Roxas.
Out of circumstances in the past, Mar became a homosexual. In the present time, especially under the influence of liquor, the subject confesses to close friends and associates his real trans-gender status. Subject however is publicly willing to shed the image of a homosexual by widely making it known he is engaged to and will wed Ms. Korina Sanchez on October 23, 2009.
Mar has real blood relatives not formally recognized by the Roxas clan or if ever, grudgingly. The painful story of Mar’s grandfather and the secret love of his life, as well as his unpopular children by wedlock, is said to be among the issues that caused psychological hang-ups in Mar and his own father. Mar’s namesake, since leaving school, lived a relatively hermetic life preferring to be known as a “creative writer.”
Mar’s own grandfather, did not love his own wife, Doña Trinidad De Leon from Bulacan. Instead, his one and true love was foreigner, an Irish girl, Ms. Juanita McIlvain, with whom he even had children but was forced not to marry due to the demands of his relatives and political expediency.
The Irish lady is the mother of the real Manuel Roxas, Jr. Manny, one of four siblings consisting of Manny, Cielo, Antonio and Charo Roxas. He won in the speech / oratorical contest in Ateneo called “Voice of Democracy.” They lived in Ermita, Manila where Pres. Roxas secretly rented an apartment for his Irish lady love and their children.
Another winner in said oratorical contest is one Francis Moran who became a brother-in-law of Manny.
The wife of Francis is the sister of Manny. Manny's sister's and Francis Moran’s child, Margarita "Margie" Moran, was the first Miss Universe, and is the true granddaughter of Pres. Manuel Roxas who now resides in Mindanao as Mrs. Tony Floreindo.
Mar’s father grew up in a loveless environment and this too had a debilitating effect on young Mar.
The worse psychological pain Mar had to suffer is that possibly he is not a real Roxas. His paternity is not in question, but his grand paternity is totally in doubt.
When Doña Trinidad De Leon Roxas married Mar’s grandpa, Manuel, she was already pregnant with the son of Pres. Manuel Luis Quezon y Molina.
Doña Trinidad became pregnant with Quezon’s child while Quezon was already the husband of Doña Aurora Aragon. With the promise by Quezon that Roxas will be made Speaker of the House of Representatives, Roxas was forced to marry Doña Trinidad in an arranged marriage even if there was no love between them.
Gerardo “Gerry” De Leon Roxas, who became a senator, the son of the President (Manuel Roxas), is not really the son of Pres. Roxas.
Sen. Gerry Roxas is most probably the son of Quezon. Therefore, he is not a Roxas but a Quezon. Mar Roxas is supposed to be Manuel "Mar" Araneta Quezon III instead. He is a grandson not of Pres. Roxas but of the president preceding him. Despite the fact, the arrangement forced the late president to make Gerry bear the Roxas family name and Mar thereafter.
The problem with the Quezon blood is that the late President’s Junior, Manuel “Nonong” Aragon Quezon, Jr., is a homosexual and Quezon may have passed down this quirk in his genes down to Mar therefore the subject also became a homosexual probably without even knowing that he will become one and just started feeling that he was actually a girl, instead of a man.
It is also no wonder, that his “cousin,” Manuel Quezon III, who is in media, is also another homosexual, or as he prefers to call himself, a “BADING.”
If Mar will use his real grandpaternity, he will share the same name, the same gender with the self-professed “BADING” Manuel Luis C. Quezon III (The Explainer), they share the same eye condition (both wear prescription eye glasses) except they do not share the same middle names. Because Mar Roxas’ middle name is Araneta while the other one (The Explainer) bears the middle name of Casas (mother, Lourdes “Lulu” Casas Quezon). They don’t also share the same nicknames because as everybody knows, The Explainer’s nickname is Manolo and Manuel Roxas III’s nickname is Mar.
A large number of old-timers in the Liberal Party and real, true-to-life neighbors of the late Pres. Manuel A. Roxas, Sr. know this fact. Even perhaps Noynoy since he comes from a line of old-timer Liberals whose family friends are also old-timer Liberals.
The question over whether Noynoy will use Mar largely in the campaign is passé. Noynoy has the cards lined up against Mar.
An autistic president if that, and a gay vice president who is mistakenly bearing the surname Roxas. What more could be a livelier combination?
But riding like the world's greatest opportunists on the so-called gains-gains kuno of revolution, gains-gains kuno of democracy, icon-icon kuno of democracy, ay sus! Wala naman silang pinaghirapan!!! Tapos lahat tayo for the second time, the nth time, pahihirapan na naman!!!
Oy, tumigil tigil nga kayo, mga abnormal at mga peke ang apelyidong may duda pa ang kasarian!!!
Mga balasubas kayo!!!
Labels: 2010 election, Aquino, autistic, bakla, Cory, elections, Explainer, Mar Roxas, mongoloid, Mr. Palengke, Noynoy, Pres. Cory, presidential 2010, Quezon, special child, vice president
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The vaunted Dinner in NY pales in comparison with the "Boston Flower Arrangement"
Before and during the wake and funeral of the late Madam Corazon Cojuangco AQUINO CORY, it was bruited about that the Filipinos lost a mother, a woman of integrity, an icon, etcetera.
It was said that the death of the late Madam Corazon Cojuangco AQUINO CORY was a great loss to the Filipino nation but it was also an opportunity to use her well talked about popularity to kick out GMA from the presidency, among other possibilities.
1. CORY used to refer to Sen. Benigno AQUINO, Jr. NINOY as her partner in life, dearest love, etc.
2. CORY used the advocacy of NINOY for democracy to propel her candidacy
3. CORY openly professed her love and devotion to NINOY and to God
4. Kris Cojuangco AQUINO KRIS said during her eulogy, “Dad take care of Mom, you are her one and only” or some such bullshit
5. The AQUINO family, civil society, political opposition and some former fence sitters (middle roaders), declared that there was a massive turn out during the funeral of CORY.
6. That this massive turn out can be exploited to mobilize a new People Power at EDSA (or elsewhere) and overthrow the regime under GMA.
7. That this massive sympathy crowd can be used to support any anti-GMA move such as in the 2010 elections, coup d’ etat, other purposes.
8. CORY was never corrupt.
9. CORY’s life was lived with integrity.
10. CORY was very thrifty.
11. CORY was a most accommodating mother, she cooked for everyone and was famous for her special spaghetti, etc.
12. CORY had every right to call on the resignation of GMA because she was the voice of the Moral Majority.
13. CORY loved her country; she was a nationalist.
14. CORY was the most humble and down to earth and pro-masses, pro-poor person.
15. CORY was a saint and therefore should be canonized by Vatican.
The above issues gleaned from the events surrounding the death of CORY appears to be contradicted by the following:
CORY divorced Sen. AQUINO NINOY as early as in 1980 and particularly insisted on separation in Boston, Massachusetts. NINOY refused to sign the divorce papers over love for his children.
Due to the highly opinionated, one-track mind and unbendable thinking of CORY, a very peculiar situation existed in the AQUINO house in Boston. When the family were buying their food supplies and toiletries, et al other personal items, NINOY had a push cart of his own. CORY on the other hand, had a push cart for herself and supposedly for her children.
When NINOY ate, he either cooked and ate alone or sometimes with an infrequent guest.
NINOY was allegedly sometimes “aburido” (anguished) over the arrangement that CORY imposed upon the family that even he would even sometimes quarrel with his infrequent guest(s).
However, it was NINOY who took care of all the bills and CORY did not even have a single cent to spare. Each time the family’s finances ran low, NINOY would rush to a public pay phone in any of the streets or corners of Boston and make a confidential call to the late Ferdinand MARCOS FERDIE, his fraternity brother in Upsilon Sigma Phi.
After each call, with only minutes, an hour or hours interval, a packet of One Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$100,000) would arrive at the family’s place or at a designated drop point.
This arrangement with NINOY was brought by CORY to her relationship with the siblings of husband. That if she and husband were separated, even if technically, and they were living together in a hellish artificial arrangement for the sake of image, the children and other factors, ergo, all the relatives of NINOY were of no more consequence to her since she was no longer related to them as well under law. Kawawa naman si Ninoy, kaya pala nagpakamatay!!! Dios Mio!!!
Since it is a verified fact that CORY’s own cousin, and four (4) others ordered the execution of NINOY, it was suspected that since CORY and the berdugo cousin are blood relatives, she knew of the plan to eliminate her technically divorced husband, but she simply did not care. It is probably even possible that she warned him not to go to RP but more in spite than as a show of her love and concern for NINOY’s well being.
Contrary to her claim, CORY was disgusted at the so-called advocacy of NINOY for democracy. All she supposedly wanted was to live like the daughter of a rich couple, spend money around and engage in her love: gambling. CORY was allegedly addicted to gambling even at an early age that when NINOY was a neophyte Senator, he was always humiliated when he entertained visitors in their house at Times Street.
When not travelling out of the house, CORY would always stay in her sleeping wear ( dusters / negligees ) and play mah jong or other games with her amigas and amigos in the guest room of the Times Street house.
If CORY went out of the room to fetch an item outside of the game room or use the comfort room away from the gamblers, and she passes by the Guests of her Senator husband, she just passes by them. She would not even offer water, tea, coffee nor juice to any of the Guests.
NINOY would do the chore himself with the help of the maids or house boys. CORY would also hardly make any decent greetings to Guests she had no relations to, like “Hi!”, “Hello!” or shake hands with the Guests. She just whizzes past them as if they were made of stone or did not exist and as if she was trying to show them that she never cared but that it was her house and the Guests were complete strangers and/or their presence was unwanted.
CORY did not love NINOY nor God. When Raul MANGLAPUS and NINOY quarreled sometimes in their Boston home, CORY is said to have sided always with MANGLAPUS. MANGLAPUS on the other hand, during his stay in the US, was active in recruiting for the religion of Satanism. It is suspected that since CORY embraced the political party of MANGLAPUS (National Union of Christian Democrats --- NUCD) as her party also, she might have been recruited to Satanism.
Kristina Bernadette Aquino YAP KRIS and all her siblings all knew that NINOY loved CORY up to the extent that he could but that CORY fully came to reject him since the late 1970s and in 1980. Her statement that CORY loved only NINOY and was CORY’s one and only was not totally accurate.
In Malacañang, after EDSA I, the late CORY and a prominent politician, Cabinet turned senator, would enter the Malacañang president’s bedroom. The purpose was for an alleged Closed Door Meeting. The couple would not re-emerge from the bedroom for more than half a day and when they did, they appeared to be a silently loving couple.
The practice lasted until the cabiner member turned senator died. The wife of the senator might have suspected and supposedly hated CORY for that. CORY also had other flings and standing sexual relationships with other men. It was bandied around in Malacañang at the time that CORY’s choice of the senator was that he had a really very long sexual organ and he could still manage to have intercourse. The gossip in Malacañang was that if the man who was invited to have a closed door with CORY had a long penis then the meeting was not a real one but an act of knowing in the bible's sense.
This practice of CORY got too well known that when CORY caught her daughter KRIS naked in her own bedroom lying on the stomach of then Executive Secretary Oscar ORBOS OCA who was also naked, KRIS after getting a mouthful from her mother mumbled to the effect that she was not to understand where else will she inherit her “Makati Puke” but from her mom. There and then ORBOS and his entire “bitbit” staff were kicked out unceremoniously out of Malacañang, never to return. Only a lawyer director of ORBOS was reappointed, but during or immediately before the time of ex-Pres. Fidel V. RAMOS (FVR) at an attached agency of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) based at Balara, Quezon City.
Of course, ORBOS can always deny he slept with Kris. And vice versa. Ms. Kris would cry if you ask her, how is it like to have sex and keep shouting "Dad! Pa!" all the time. It's oedipal complex, to some psychologists.
The CPP/NPA/NDFP, AQUINO family, civil society, political opposition et al said to have been imported paid mourners from Tarlac, Pampanga, Nueva Ecija, from Hacienda Luisita and other parts, to attend the funeral of CORY. The Three Hundred Thousand odd purported crowd that attended the funeral, was fake. The only real CORY lovers in that crowd were the family and CPP whose original leaders were helped and propelled by CORY and family in the beginning to form their underground organization.
There is no way that the much ballyhooed massive turn out can suffice to form a new People Power at EDSA (or elsewhere) and overthrow the regime under ARROYO that will not be full of for-hire participants from the squatter areas. Even the squatter area residents have already wizened to the temptations of attending mass protests since a lot of the programs of government have penetrated into their communities already.
That the massive sympathy crowd can determine the course of the 2010 elections, or a coup d’ etat, or any other anti-government purpose is a fallacy.
Even in Tarlac itself, particularly in the place where there are NINOY relatives, CORY will not even be considered a VIP or worse, she might even be looked down upon not as a human being for the way she treated NINOY.
The saintly attributes of CORY appears to be overshadowed by the real and actual testimonies of those that shared space with her, as follows:
Before CORY became President, in Malacañang Palace every Thursday, there was a so-called “Sunshine Day!”
Contractors secretly offered gifts to the First Family contained in single boxes each per contractor or supplier. In each box were highest denomination bills at the time of One Hundred Philippine Pesos (Php100.00) amounting to either Five Hundred Thousand, One Million, One Pesos Five Hundred Thousand Pesos in most of the time.
Come “Sunshine Day!”, all employees and many times even residents of Brgy. Malacañang would be required to form a line at the Finance Division then headed by Presidential official in charge with the MARCOS administration’s finance Jacobo C. CLAVE JAKE. Each employee was given a pay envelope with token cash coming the gift boxes of contractors and suppliers.
When CORY came to the Palace, the single box were replaced with big trendy suitcases. The Php100 denominations were replaced with Five Hundred bills. The amounts of Php500,000, Php1,000,000 and Php1,500,000 were replaced with a very low of Ten, Fifteen and a normal level of Twenty Million Philippine Pesos (Php10,000,000, Php15,000,000 and Php20,000,000).
Mrs. "DDD", senior staff of CLAVE informed Ma. Elena Aquino CRUZ BALLSY, then chief aide of CORY about the tradition of “Sunshine Day!” and requested that it be continued. BALLSY was infuriated about the information and pointed at some suitcases full of cash from contractors whose papers were being expedited by the new group of CORY in Malacañang and said, “Ano’ng sunshine-sunshine? Eh, barya nga lang yang nasa maleta!!! Ano pa ba ang gusto nila, eh di naman sa kanila yan!!!” Effectively, the Thursday “Sunshine Day!” tradition was scrapped and replaced with Thursday “Lungkot Day!”
A security aide of NINOY in the US, revealed that after the forming of the Presidential Commission on Good Government (PCGG), the cousin of CORY immediately made a transfer of funds in Australia from his account to a confidential account in favor of CORY, through her brother Jose S. COJUANGCO, Jr. PEPING in the amount of Two Hundred Million United States Dollars (USD200,000,000). The transaction was kept very hidden and was bruited to be the first of the set of enormous amounts to come into the CORY family for making PCGG soft on those that have the capacity to pay.
The second set of payments was arranged by the then Exec. Sec. who demanded from Lucio TAN a tremendous amount of cash to ensure that PCGG will not turn the TAN group of companies upside down. TAN was forced to shell out initially Four Hundred Million Philippine Pesos (Php400,000,000) followed by another payment of a similarly huge amount.
A large number of MARCOS favored personalities were forced to pay out very large amounts to the CORY family.
Former Judge now senator, was summoned by CORY and told to head the Immigration Bureau. The ex-Judge accepted the offer and now became Immigration Commissioner. CORY was in firm agreement with some Filipino Chinese to launch a secret record destruction operation at the bureau. In exchange for more or less Five Hundred Thousand Philippine Pesos (Php500,000), CORY ordered the papers of a single illegal Chinese alien to be burned, shredded or purged in any other fitting manner. Salvaje!!! Nationalist? Not likely!!!
At the time of CORY’s ascendancy in the Palace, there were about six million (6,000,000) Chinese in the Philippines. The figure can be contested but it was the only estimate at the time closest to the true situation. Only two million (2,000,000) were either legal Chinese or else were paying Alien Registration Fees regularly for staying in the country. About four million (4,000,000) or the figure could be higher, were illegals. A good number of the illegals were even criminals that were fugitives of their native land.
CORY had an account in Switzerland and other offshore banks where she ordered Immigration Commissioner to forward the payments from the Chinese whose papers were erased from the record section of the immigration bureau. To make the situation fully covered, a small operation was conducted to make the fourth floor of the bureau building look extremely topsy turvy. All the systematically organized files at the records room were turned upside down, thrown here and there and the room was made to appear very messy and dirty. As a result, no one learned about CORY’s destruction of untold files of illegal Chinese in the country.
If the maximum number of illegals and with a large number of additionals (newly human smuggled chinese) will be accounted for, the amount that could have been placed in CORY’s Switzerland or other offshore bank(s) will have come to a rough total of Two Trillion Philippine Pesos (Php2,000,000,000,000) that could have converted at a rate of Php21 : US$1.00 to Nine Five Billion Two Hundred Thirty Eight Million and Ninety Five Thousand Two Hundred Thirty Eight United States Dollars (USD95,238,095,238). At the time, that would have been one-tenth of the entire Swiss Deposits (one-third of the worldwide total) of the MARCOS wealth. A staggering amount of money that Immigration Commissioner could have also partaken of and could be one of the more likely entrusted managers aside from some Chinese individual or group that CORY used to filch the Sino community in the country.
It is suspected that many of the criminals freed by CORY from illegal status are among those that are leading in the syndicated drug trafficking activities in RP and beyond our shores, making RP a notorious nation on the drugs watch list. It has also corrupted RP’s system into a narco-politic state.
It is expected that if any AQUINO will run for high public office, BID Commisioner as a finance / fund manager will not be far behind. Or given her innate intelligence and intellect, Immigration chief could use a go-between to serve as the fund manager for the AQUINO candidate, possibly Sen. Benigno C. AQUINO III NOYNOY or Kristina Bernadette Aquino YAP KRIS.
Mr. KOC (code name), a former deep cover consultant of the National Security Council (NSC) director who reported the operation under a report codename “YELLOW FEVER”, was entrapped in a sting operation where KOC was secretly charged with illegal financial dealings concerning the release of a certain detainee Col. ACOSTA and a Lt. Roque LIWAG of the rebel military organization RAM and KOC was endorsed as a consultant to the Presidential Security Group (PSG) to be banished from NSC forever as long the pro-CORY people worked there.
Another charge against KOC was that he was reported to have spread the news that the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), the old National Intelligence Security Agency (NISA) budgets were cut by seventy percent (70%) on the advice of leftists inside and outside the government providing “advise” to CORY. The charge was baseless because O’CHAVEZ was only shown and only saw a box containing orders of the President (CORY that the NSC Director said cut down the AFP-NISA money by 70%, but did not actually see the orders in print. Also the consultant never told anyone about the unseen papers or the box.
When brought up with the NICA during the time of ex-pres. Jose Marcelo EJERCITO ERAP, KOC who was asked to consult discreetly with the subject Agency, the NICA still considered it preposterous that the NSC Director was ordered to pare down the AFP and intelligence community budget by 70%. In reality that was what happened. Morale in the AFP went down. The defenders of democracy and the very people that put CORY in power were victims of CORY’s paranoia.
CORY placed her relatives in the NSC-NICA payroll among other relatives since their fat salaries need not be accounted for under the law. Further, they acted as her eyes and ears inside that intelligence Agency.
Among the elites in the country during the MARCOS era, it is almost impossible to identify any one elite family that did not kowtow and kiss the ass of then First Lady Imelda Romualdez MARCOS MELDY (FL) and her husband, the late Pres. MARCOS just to borrow money from the couple. FL was gracious and generous to the AYALAs, LOPEZes, ORTIGASes, EJERCITOs, COJUANGCOs et al. She considered herself a friend to all of them when in fact they talked harshly against her at her back.
Multi-millions up to billions of Pesos were given in loans in exchange for land titles of worthless real estate; shares of stocks of dying companies - Ortigas Group, Ayala companies; future receivables from companies in dire straits and heavy indebtedness like Meralco, etc. Many of these companies were sequestered during Martial Law for their refusal to pay loans and for other reasons, aside from the fact that military administration required sequestration and nationalization of foreign interests.
After MARCOS was gone, CORY gave back Meralco and other related companies like ABS-CBN, Chronicle, etc. to the LOPEZes despite the heavy debts to the MARCOS family and the Philippine Government being the guarantor of its enormous foreign debts.
CORY did the same to the LOPA empire, since BABY LOPA was married to her sister, Gina COJUANGCO, whose son, RAPA LOPA is the owner on record of survey company Pulse Asia that is giving GMA a bad name every time it does a survey.
During CORY’s regime, she ordered selected members of the Supreme Court to transfer the shares of stock of Hans MENZI and Ferdinand MARCOS, Jr. to her dummy, a man purporting to call himself DON EMILIO YAP. Effectively, government and MARCOS shares came under the ownership of “DON EMILIO YAP” in Bulletin Today, Manila Hotel and a long string of other companies.
When the agreements between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and Switzerland were firmed up, the Swiss Minister of Finance Peter MULLER was corrupted by CORY, Francisco CHAVEZ (then Solicitor General), government secretaries and relatives of CORY. MULLER agreed to be part of the “commissioners” and secret riders to the GRP-Swiss agreements on the transfer of the Swiss deposits were made where CORY and her subalterns, blood relations were to receive a huge part of the MARCOS wealth in the form of commissions.
Growing greedy, CORY thereafter demanded that principal amount including the sums indicated in the rider agreements be placed in a conduit account. She gave the account coordinates to MULLER. When the final deciding entity, the Swiss superior court traced the account, it belonged to CORY. The commission of MULLER became stone. Kawawang Pedro!!!
The deal to transfer the MARCOS wealth as the late president willed to the Filipino People and the survivors of the MARCOS family became null and void, still, even with FVR, ERAP, GMA becoming presidents, it was still CORY’s signature on the agreements and the riders that were binding. Now that CORY is dead, even the commissions of PEPING, KRIS, BALLSY, Maria Victoria Eliza Dee VIEL, Maria Aurora Corazon Abellada PINKY and Benigno Cojuangco AQUINO, III NOYNOY, and the rest of the relatives and former Cabinet, friends, cronies, are gone. Naku! Sayang!!!
The decision of The Honorable, The Supreme Court of the Philippines to make FL the executor of the will is long due, however it could not be done with CORY still alive. Or nearly all the money will go to CORY and her own very close people. So Namatay na, wala nang sagabal na sakim.
CORY is far from being a saint. Which is the reason why, FL who is terrified of even the idea of the existence of CORY as if she were Satan personified, prefers to just call her “pangit” and lashes at her at every occasion.
When one of CORY’s daughters was about to marry, it was gossiped in the family that the husband-to-be of daughter was a member of a family that were notorious ... disguised as decent “businessmen.” CORY allegedly said in confidence to one of her amigas, “Aba! Eh ano kung ... ? Masama ba’ng gumawa ng pera ang tao? Hanap buhay lang yaaan!” The marriage happened and so one of her daughters is now the infamous missus to a big time ....
During CORY’s regime, she ordered a former central Luzon governor using diplomatic and other perks to hand carry for her multi-millions of United States Dollars to foreign banks, for purposes undeclared. A then Manila International Airport (MIA) contingent of the Intelligence Group, Armed Forces of the Philippines (IS AFP) intercepted the voluminous amount of money and placed the former governor on hold.
After learning about the plight of the ex-governor and panicking about the condition of her money, CORY went super ballistic, called the airport officials thereat and berated them as well as gave a mouthful of dirty, harsh words against the ISAFP personnel. Mother of God!!!
During the time of then Sec. FVR as Secretary of National Defense (SND), one operative in ISAFP was required to submit a project proposal to negate and neutralize at least one economic threat to the country, as were several other operatives. The operative submitted the target Antonio KHO, most notorious overlord of the smuggling syndicates operating in the Bureau of Customs since the time of MARCOS. The plan to raid the premises of KHO’s offices and residence was elevated to the Chief of Staff AFP (CS AFP). After several weeks, it was again elevated, this time to SND. After another several weeks, it was elevated to CORY. The late ex-president said not to touch KHO because he was her relative. The qualifying statement said to be from SND was also that: “Malaki masyado iyang isda na yan. Kaya tayo habulin kahit saan tayo magpunta kung hulihin natin iyan!”
Among the worst that CORY did in her life was place her factotums like Constabulary agent Jesus Jose Maria Cabauatan BINAY as mayor of Makati and as her so-called confidanté in the so-called Cause Oriented Group (COG). Muy negrito!!! Matón y animales de primero!!! Carajo!!! Que barbaridad!!! Ms. Corazon Juliano SOLIMAN et al into the government to learn to steal from the public treasury after mastering the act of stealing from NGO coffers. (SOLIMAN is the daughter of her family’s capataz at Hacienda Luisita.) So is her sponsorship of the CPP/NPA/NDFP, although she cannot be faulted for not really understanding NINOY’s creation of KUMANDER DANTE in behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), using the late Bren GUIAO and his (NINOY’s) so-called Twelve (12) Apostles as runners between himself and DANTE.
After NINOY died, thinking that the CPP/NPA/NDFP were friends of NINOY, she released all the captured communists into private cognizance. Madre de Dios!!!
Furthermore, having a brain the size of a moon bean, during a mah jong session, DOLLY NAZARENO, wife of Gen. Cesar NAZARENO said if she wins the game, Cesar will become Chief, PC/INP later PNP. DOLLY won, so Cesar became Chief. MONCHIE BIAZON also did the same with CORY. During a session reaching up to midmorning, CORY lost and MONCHIE found herself as the wife of the new Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. One late member of 12 Apostles when he was alive confided after BIAZON and NAZARENO became chiefs, “No other pea-brained housewife ever achieved such an accomplishment in the entire history of the country. So Tita Cory must really deserve all the credit for having a moon bean for a brain!”
In the time of CORY, the NISA was renamed into NICA. It was during this time when all the derogatory records of many allies of Chairman Jose Ma. SISON of the CPP/NPA/NDFP, other kinds of leftists with crimes against society and the people, were whitewashed by the subalterns of CORY.
There will be more to suffer from the acts and notoriety of CORY in the years and generations to come. And those of her kampons. There will be untold stories that will come out of the woodwork.
The sad memory of a maniac and adorer of things material will be eased out of the public mind only through a painful process. And over a long, long time.
If the supporters of CORY all around the world will mount a people power, let them fuck themselves! No one likes a dirty ex-president who idolized money, long penises, was addicted to gambling, and had no heart at all.
If the fans and lovers of CORY want to rave and rant let them be!!!
And if they will be able to make VATICAN turn her into Saint Corazon, let them be! And may the satanistas rejoice with them!!!
To all of them riling up our peace, we say, fuck all of them and may they get what they deserve in due time... in due time...
Labels: civil society, corruption, death of Cory, Dinky Soliman, dollar, Ninoy Aquino, penis, peso
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Jun Lozada is threatened!
Bakit naman?
Bakit tagal mo mamatay!!!
Labels: Corrupt President of Phil Forest, Jun Lozada, Madre ni Lozada, Marissa Kabit ni Lozada, Mga Syota ni Lozada, Rodolfo Noel Lozada, Womanizer Lozada
Monday, September 25, 2006
The Philippine Lesbian Mafia
Aliens we ought to have known better
They (Dinky, et al --- pinch the behind of Dinkeh) cry in front of media, explain their purpose of helping the poor to everyone and sundry, they shout in the streets for the Truth to come out, for Justice to the People, for their and the People's Rage over the Murder of the Impeachment, for Mikey Arroyo's touching "auntie's" knees and therefore making scandalous behavior that makes him just rightly the scion of parents they call bastos, they are the Moral Majority, they will make everyone who stand in their way pay highly for it! Dinky told the media, she cried in front of her children when she agonized over the decision to leave GMA. Then she declared in public that it was her children who made her finally quit, she tearfully narrated.
Enter The Lesbian Mafia!!!
Eventually Ms. Dinky and her Master (is she a lesbo too? Nooo....) tailed like hobbits, the lady of the house of the late FPJ. Tagging along is Gabriela Silang's muse, Ms. Liza Masama. Kuuuuuu!!! (Slap Left! Slap Right! Box Ears!)
God, did they look like the quintessential abnormals to Susan's regal form. They probably would have loved ... uhhmmm recruiting Ms. Susie and her beautiful Sonora nieces into their orgies. But salivate all they could. Ms. Susie appears prim and proper and would not enter the coven of daemons lest she be devoured alive by them witcy bitches. Humppph!
When Dinky (Mrs. Corazon Juliano Soliman hold colored hair, pull haaaardd!!!), closet homosexual, and her compatriots Ana Leah Sarabia, Aida Santos, Ms. Liza Ma... and their other fellow lesbians get together, who cares if there are children around? Who cares! They smooch to death and get drunk and have sex orgies from the time they start up to daylight of the following age when they get tired finally. And there is no easy way to tire them. No one knows what is the moral in that? No one can tell where ever is the redeeming value in these horrible, dastardly acts?
Recently, they proudly declared, whenever they have sex orgies, they shout at the top of their orgasm, OUST GLORIAAAAA!!!! IBAGSAK SI GLORIAAAAA!!!! BAKET NANDIYAN KA PA!!!! FUCKU!!! FUCKU!!! FUCKU!!! PUTANG INA SHEEEEEEEET!!!!! GLORIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LULLLLLEEEEEEE PAAAAAAAP!!!!!!
They must love the head of state overly to keep shouting her name endlessly, these turds. (I mean, what the fuck are they up to anyway?)
One wonders how truly moral they can get that they rape young women and were raping the country while they were in Malacañang, overlords of PCSO, DSWD, DOH projects, DAR and in many other important sections of the government.
Bepore they joined Malacañang, they had been stealing from foreign funders -- always saying deficit-deficit-deficit, then later the Department of Agrarian Reform, and then the alleged CIA front organizations, the intelligence community, and they stole from many other places where the money is to be had by the millions.
Today, they have a handle over UN projects, have infiltrated USAID, while they cuss straight guy and conservative US President Bush at his back. They suck the money from US, EUROPE, Canada, Australia, among many other donor countries.
Previously, they screwed a Jesuit priest that they assigned as President of PEACE FOUNDATION, and then they proceeded to steal P1.7 Billions in broad daylight through the Peace Bonds deal. They run off with many hundreds of milions each and gave the PEACE FOUNDATION a pittance leaving the poor Jesuit priest answering all the questions about why he stole P1.7 Billions!!! Por dios por Santo!!!
Indeed, they must really be the Moral Majority. And the people must believe in them, for they need power. They need billions of funds. They need operatives to maim, kill, demonize, rally and even stage a coup for them in the coming days.
They are promoting the coup in the country that will follow the Thailand model. And they want to be behind the coup plotters, notwithstanding the fact that they are part of the planning themselves. They just want their participation not to be very much known.
Now fortunately, they sigh that they feel better they are no longer in Malacañang that they call the male snakes' pit. They are with their new-found "ally" and fellow Mafiosa officer, JohnBoy Madregall.

Mafiosas so close.
They boast of worldwide networks, strong alliances, with gays, and other kinds of homosexuals including the ones living in Sodom and Gomorrah.
These, dear friends are the Lesbian Mafia! Haiiii!!!! (Kick! Karate chop!)
Watch out, on the pretense they'll do dirty dancing with y'all, they'll stick you up and suck you to Kingdom come and make you sorry for it on national television!
Spunky little devils!!! Punk shits!!!
May they get struck by the sword against destabilizaiton not once, not twice and many times over!!!
(Chok!!! Chok!!! Chok!!!)
(Splok!!! Splok!!! Splok!!!)
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Perilous Jobs
Dangerous, in these times, until they come to grips with the realpolitik of their membership in both aboveground or underground organizations.
In this day and age when all attention is riveted towards the menace of terrorism, certain organizations and their methods become paramount in the minds of those who prepare the orders of battle in the military, the police, the country's prime investigateive agencies and the nation's front lines of defense, namely: customs, immigration, border security and organs that safeguard the country from economic, environmental and other forms of sabotage.
Thus groups like the Communist Party of the Philippines, that has links with as many terrorist organizations from Asean to the Middle East, to Europe and Africa, as well as the Moro National Liberation Front that has strong links with the Juma'a Abbu Sayyap and the multitudinous breakaway groups of both organizations and their officers and members, would be the first to become the subjects in the order of battle.
The ultra-rightist threat groups that have recently shown they cooperated with the Communist Party of the Philippines will necessarily also be part of the order of battle.
Needless to mention, those teetering at the edges of these points in the political spectrum, who are also actively networking with the ultra-left and ultra-right, might also find themselves in the order of battle, regardless if in the past they have opportunistically agreed to be the songbirds either of Isafp or Nica chiefs, as in the case purportedly, of Ms. Corazon Soliman and her husband, Hector -- during the time of Mrs. Corazon Aquino in Malacañang.
Such is the misfortune of certain jobs held by members of the several and various organizations now fiddling with terrorism.
It is not of course the jobs that imperil the lives of these persons who are tinkering with dangerous plots. But in the propaganda mills, it sounds like indeed the jobs are truly dangerous and full of hazards.
What is it really like to be part of the Inquirer News Service, for instance and be a member of the Communist Party?
What is it to be a junior level executive of ABS CBN and to be also another member of the Communist Party, for short also known as CPP?
What is actually perilous in being part of a Sectoral Party that competes in Philipine elections, but to be an adjunct of a Special Committee for Parliamentary Struggle of the Communist Party?
What does it pay to be a simple employee or an engineer and on the other hand, to be a propagandist of the MAGDALO-TAONG BAYAN AT KAWAL?
What is it to be a leader of a daily news organization and to be a lead propaganda arm of the overthrow GMA movement, as well as be part of a coup plotters' group?
What is it to be simple leaders of NGOs and be secret accomplices of bombers-terrorists calling themselves MAGDALO-TAONG BAYAN AT KAWAL (also referred to as TABAK)?
What is it to be a call center employee and be the contact of Muslim Terrorists being aided by CPP?
Finally, what is it to be a businessman, big or small, or a politician - neophyte or seasoned - but to be the funder of the CPP and a follower of Be Not Afraid Movement, that is also said to be behind MAGDALO and TABAK, and several other groups like Kaakbay, Pilipinismo, and has been supplying logistics for a group called Black and White Movement, Citizens Congress for Truth, etc.?
Again, there is really nothing wrong with the job.
It is simply the black propaganda at work. The enemies of the state have gotten so low, that in purveying the lies about the country's sliding to Martial Law (with them making provocation after provocation), and all such other crappy campaigns, they have assailed the very sanctity of the simple stations of citizens meant for earning a decent living.
They have also introduced the community organizers' adversarial and confrontational tactics of pambabastos or euphemistically known as pressure tactics against "targets" in the hallowed halls of Congress and the Senate.
The recent example is the supposedly silent waving of white envelopes. The anti-Arroyo groups claim, it is the easiest way of getting rid of pro-administration Reps in the Session Hall. Good humor, that, but very sick indeed.
In the coming days, there will be more antics by the enemies of the state.
Many of them below the belt. It is obviously the very essence of demonization, disinformation, destabilization and fostering of discontent-demoralization.
The problem, is that they have introduced too much pollutants into the political atmosphere that they have truly made their very own jobs hazardous.
As in the wise, old men's saying in this country:
Pag marami ka nang inaagrabyado, sumisikip na ang mundo mo.
Amen to that.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Philippine communists raid blog world
now the time has come for some to gather alagads, kampons, especiales (officials, didn't you know) and hold your breath: to make them open blogs, seminar them on RSS, CSS, posts-its, whatever. (we happen to be a dumb-dumb myself on all those stuff.)
why now? why belatedly? i presume, that is part of a grand design. all i can see in these new blogs are about writers aco, photographico aco, masscom aco, studente aco, may labs aco, and then follows reveliyon, jeriliya, raliye, fangit ang fangulo, duckling ang fresedente, mob (apparently mobilization, in the streets, where else?), gory pictures of raliyes, reporters dao of world newspapers asking why violenza in the Philippine, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
i believe, following and coming soon are the bro. idi (not the african slaughterer, mind you that our friend of a.i.m. and philstar fame wanted to become at one time -- does his wife know?:)) and similar blogs. bro. idi's son, bro. imam "billy" joel villa nuevo might also be a famous blogger one of these days.
ms. dinky, cory aquino, and all the rest of the black and white skirted movement advocates began the practice a little while back and now their hardline communist counterparts are also into it too.
to what end? suspicious aco, well, what will i think anyway? plus, i've always had that suspicious streak.
one of them had the nerve to say to an associate of ours covering the lefty beat: are you sure you have a diario? why is it not on the newstands? (he hadn't heard of internet then.) that same idiot who is a hardcore and fast-rising star member of the communist party, goes by the handle of tonyo, even served as the very media director of bro. idi in the 2004 elections. fortunately for tonyo, his party list organizations won. his own candidate, bro. idi, miserably lost and has kept conducting hate campaigns against the government ever since. what a stupid pastor pastoran! pwe!
without doubt, these people discovered the power of the internet only belatedly, that is why the rush. now they're evidently trying to fill the space on the net with ideological grunting, so it appears like an undisguised supersaturation campaign.
i wonder: with the paranoia hitting places like the u.s., canada, australia and similar countries, knowing that the communist party of the philippines, new people's army and the national democratic front are all part of that label 'foreign terrorist organization', will these saturaters hitting it all over the blog world be allowed to sustain their campaign? i really can't say.
well, now, they need to turn to their new found allies in the united states embassy who have been granting u.s. visas to the enemies of the philipine government as well as to suspected drug lords, criminal elements, etc. and cancelling visas of those that are identified with the current regime.
so now its heyday for the Philippine communists on the blog. good for them, but sadly, we will all be sorry for them if one day, their blogs will suddenly bring them into getting the meanest viruses, microbes, hardware wrecking programs, courtesy of enemies they had created on their own.
i guess it is best, they leave the real bloggers and the blog world alone and do their saturation propaganda campaigns elsewhere.
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Govt overthrow plotters forcing issue
a/k/a Estrada / Erap claims the 11 million voters that propelled him to an artificial presidency (for 3 years - being the subject of an illegal deal) will be targeted for signing by him and his group.
it appears that it is really high time for the former president that sticks a cigar in his mouth like it were his mascot, and the inner circle of a/k/a Estrada to be queried about the deal to make a/k/a Estrada president.
it seems that it is now the time for people to know that a/k/a Estrada was not really voted to power. his election was marred by millions of election law violations. his 11 million votes are hollow. the deal makers included the transfer of 3-4 billion pesos intended for the ruling party --- then lakas nucd umdp --- on the last few days of the elections to be delivered to the enemy camp instead (a/k/a Estrada's camp --- the partido ng masang pilipino).
comelec registrars were bought left and right, voters were bought in the same manner, a large number of votes were disenfranchised, a/k/a Estrada's enemies were absolutely buried in an artificial avalanche of support for a/k/a Estrada in the media, in surveys, etc.
as they say, there is time for everything. henceforth, now is the time for people to know, that the Ejercito presidency was a sham and his majority was a simple victory of fraud over right, of the triumph of falsifications, disenfranchisements over the lesser capable other presidential candidates.
history will bear out that the former chair, now chair emeritus of lakas cmd (new name of lakas nucd umdp) was not kind to de venecia by duping him and throwing the private contributors' and government's support instead to ejercito. whereas, ejercito keeps claiming up to now that he is a "majority president", he is merely a hollow freak. his brother merely happened to be ex-lakas chair's very bossom buddy since childhood and a number of the people in between them are very closely linked to each other in various ways, not excluding corruption, and worse crimes that include those bordering in terrorism.
a/k/a estrada's group, following his pal the late ronald allan kelly poe has entered into a pact with the devil: it signed agreements with the communists in the country to turn the government into a communist-rightist led regime.
combining the two irreconciliable political groups would be a total social, politico-economic disaster for the country. the philippines will be in worse condition that it was in the time of fake president a/k/a estrada (whose 'presidential' identity in the first place is a pseudonym).
the communists since 1960s have engaged in a massive recruitment of priests, nuns and seminarians to become their mouthpieces on the pulpit, specially in the countrysides. they have recruited doctors, engineers and other professionals. they have recruited and have infiltrated nearly ten of the largest labor blocs in their own respective industries --- air, sea, land transport and agri-industry labor, media and printing, water, banking, hotels and tourism etc.
but by far, the worst kind of influence as well as the most damage wrought upon the country emanates from the leftist clergy and left-infiltrated labor. these two weak havoc on culture and the economy.
to top these all, a/k/a estrada welcomed the widow of the late sen. benigno aquino's overtures for a joint undertaking to grab power from the government. probably mrs. aquino, who is suffering from acute dyslexia, thinks that she and her factotums can still make a dent in the rabblerousing department.
necessarily, the people deserve to know. they have the right to be told of a/k/a estrada's farce.
perhaps, no amount of conditioning by the paid-for corrupt media and their spin doctors can continue to fool the country any longer.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Drilon and his millions
By all accounts, the Senate of the Philippines’ top man, Senate President Franklin M. Drilon, is a very blessed and lucky man. His father was in the Philippine National Bank during the time of the strongman, the late Pres. Marcos. His uncle a fraternity brod, was appointed top official and was very much respected by Marcos.
Sen. Drilon himself joined one of the law offices most favored during the regime of Marcos, ACCRA LAW OFFICE. From Accra Law Office, where he and the late presidential aspirant Raul Roco represented and maneuvered intelligently so that the assets of Marcos will be safely hidden in layers and layers of paper work, Franklin Drilon was thrust into government after Edsa 1 Revolution by ex-Pres. Cory Aquino.
Drilon established himself well enough in the Cabinet of Cory to become Labor and Justice Secretary and then Executive Secretary. Thereafter he was elected Senator. It was a complete metamorphosis from being a Marcos Loyalist to a powerful administration man in the post-EDSA Revolution 1 period where enemies of the dictator were the dominant force in government. Later, in 1999 he was even touted by his friends and relatives as a dark horse to the presidency.
Sen. Drilon almost has everything he had ever dreamed of in life. He is a millionaire -- in fact, a millionaire many times over. He is one of the valued players in the stock market in that he co-owns companies in the oil industry and other fields of business whose shares have been offered to the public. His brother Cesar heads Mayor Jejomar Binay’s Ospital ng Makati; his other brother, Julius, is the No. 2 man in the Department of Agriculture and has been since the time of former President Joseph Estrada when Drilon and the jailed ex-president were very good allies and close neighbors in North Greenhills; while his stepchildren and children will soon be well into establishing themselves in society.
It was also reported by the business community that Drilon successfully railroaded the Iloilo International Airport Project so that he stood to collect more than one hundred million in skim and bribes from contractors and suppliers of that project.
Drilon’s first wife Victoria Calvo-Drilon died and he married Mila Obias Serrano of Bicol, widowed by the death of her husband Vic Genuino. Mila had three children with her first husband.
Frank and Mila Drilon with children from former family
Mila’s children, Eduarda, and her siblings live in Polk Street, only about a hundred meters away from the residence of Frank at 107 Kennedy St., North Greenhills. Due to the frequent stepfather visits the old Genuino residence, by now the residents and the workers along Polk Street and in other households in North Greenhills call the Genuino house also as Drilon’s property. Very recently, the good senator admitted over a broadcast program that indeed he has a stepdaughter named Eduarda, the daughter of Mila Drilon by her first husband, Vic Genuino.

Map showing Kennedy and Polk Streets intersecting and close to each other.
The said parcel of real estate with a house on it, has a government assessed market value of more or less Thirty One Million Pesos (Php 31,000,000). It is common knowledge that the assessed value in government terms is not the necessarily always followed in real and actual transactions. It is therefore possible that the house and lot at Kawayan Road, with a total area of One Thousand Five Hundred Forty Two square meters (1,542 sqm) could be worth more than P31 Millions – closer in fact to between Php 38 - 40 Millions, since during the recently experienced slump in the real estate industry a 2,000 sqm property in the very same area is selling only at Php 50 Millions.
Furthermore, when the house was visited in Forbes Park, the people living in the area intimated that as far as they know, the house belonged to Sen. Pres. Drilon.
While it is true that the wife of Drilon was involved in the business of buying and selling houses, or renovating and constructing houses for sale, it appears odd that daughter Eduarda, whose would only be in her 20s or early 30s, would have the wherewithal to buy a house for an amount between Php 30 – 40 Millions unless her mother turned over her real estate business to her and that is now what she is doing either for a living or as a part time endeavor.
Granting that the daughter inherited the money from her father, Vic Genuino, the burden of proof is still upon her and her stepfather to show that the money with which she purchased the property can be shown by actual documents that make it evident that Vic Genuino, her biological father entrusted her with inheritance of between Php 20 – 40 Millions.
It cannot be said that the property belonged to Vic Genuino since it is in the name of Amalia Mata Montecillo who is a different entity altogether from both the late Vic Genuino and his surviving wife, now Mrs. Mila Serrano Drilon.
The question is who actually owns the house? Why did Drilon blubber over national radio when he was asked about it during a program? What is the connection between this highly expensive piece of real estate to the skim of Drilon from the Iloilo International Airport Project that he took under his wings during the regime of deposed Pres. Estrada.
If the house actually belongs to Drilon, he most certainly must be charged for falsification of public documents, a case that is commonly attached in the Philippines to graft, corruption, malversation of public funds and plunder among other similar crimes.
It also shows that as a public figure who has been making motherhood statements about Truth and criticizing deceptions and lies of fellow government officials, Drilon’s character is also seriously flawed to the extreme and the excesses of his lifestyle demands that he spends more than he is actually earning.
In the midst of his working very hard to acquire tremendous amounts of money, Drilon told media: “I'm very lucky I got married again. I'm happy that it happened the way it happened. I wouldn't have it any other way. . . I am truly blessed. Meeting Violy (his first wife) years ago and the life we had together made me a better man, and that's something I can share with Mila and our children.”
Indeed, our incumbent Senate President may be a blessed and lucky man. But the proverbial Sword of Damocles hangs over his head on the pending investigation of the charges of anomalies in the Iloilo International Airport Project. And now, there is a question in the public mind over how his very young stepdaughter was able to get her hands on a huge amount of money to buy a prime estate in Forbes Park.
Considering that Batas Pambansa 195 that amended Secs. 8, 9, 10, 11, and 13 of Republic Act 3019, otherwise known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act specifically provides that : (emphasis supplied)
“If ... a public official has been found to have acquired during his incumbency, whether in his name or in the name of other persons, an amount of property and/or money manifestly out of proportion to his salary and to his other lawful income, that fact shall be a ground for dismissal or removal. Properties in the name of the spouse and dependents of such public official may be taken into consideration, when their acquisition through legitimate means cannot be satisfactorily shown.”
there appears to be valid grounds for applying sanctions against Sen. Pres. Drilon if the charges are proven so that the public may be assuaged over the irregularities that the country’s Senate President may have committed whether during his term as head of the Senate or as a top functionary in the labor and justice departments, or in the Office of the Executive Secretary.
Bearing in mind that the good senator is aspiring to become President of the Republic of the Philippines vice Her Excellency Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and Vice President Emmanuel De Castro, whom the allies of the senator are presently trying to oust from power – through pressure for the President and Vice President to resign or by means of an armed, violent uprising – the Senate President is certainly suspect for trying to insert himself into the most powerful position in the land perchance to later be free of the Damocles’ sword hanging over his head from the pending investigation on the alleged anomalies concerning the Iloilo International Airport Project and the dubious acquisition of prime real estate properties in such enclaves of the rich as the Forbes Park.
With people like Drilon and his present close ally, Mrs. Corazon Aquino trying to destroy the country's institutions but coming in dirty, we wonder where is the country headed for?
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
January 22, 2006 Report
They have also defrauded government of income in the tens of millions.
ANAREVA F ABELLA (Contractual)
FE ANABE (Contractual)
GILBERT T TORIO (Contractual)
Among the most notorious are Eduardo Ocampo, Edwin Quilates, Lilian Gonzales, Charita Paredes, Anareva Abella, Janice Gapusan, Celso Zapata and Karen Cejas. They team up with fixers, forgers, employees of the Land Bank at the Camp Crame branch and other persons of dubious character.
In other circumstances, these people should have been lined up and shot by a firing squad.
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Forces of destabilization have lost reason for being
Marahas na pagkilos, pruweba ng kawalan ng isyu vs PGMA
Naniniwala ang mga kongresista na wala nang mailabas na lehitimong usapin ang hanay ng oposisyon, kung kaya't idinadaan na lamang ng mga ito sa mararahas na pagkilos ang mga panawagang pagpapatalsik kay Pangulong Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.
Nanawagan din sina Bacolod City Rep. Monico Puentevella, Leyte Rep. Eduardo Veloso at Davao City Rep. Vincent Garcia na magkaroon ng moratorium o pananamihik sa mga ginagawang kilos-protesta, kasabay ng paghahain ng kaukulang kaso sa mga nagpasimuno ng kaguluhan kung saan labing-isang pulis ang nasugatan.
Ikinabahala rin ng mga kongresista ang pagdalo sa kilos-protesta ng mga raliyistang nakatakip ang mukha na posibleng kasapi umano ng mga radikal na grupo na ang layunin ay maghasik ng karahasan laban sa pulisya.
Sinabi pa ni Puentevella na tila nauubusan na ng lehitimong usapin at pakikibaka ang oposisyon laban sa pamahalaan kung kaya kinaligtaan na ang lahat ng patakaran kung papaano maihahayag sa responsableng pamamaraan ang kanilang karaingan.
Inihalimbawa pa ng mga kongresista na ang nakaraang kilos-protesta ng mga militanteng magsasaka ay ang nagpatunay kung bakit wala nang kontrol ang mgalehitimong pagkilos ng oposisyon.
Sinabi naman ni Puentevella na dapat kasuhan ang mga responsable sa naganap na pananakit sa hanay ng pulisya.
Those that are involved in destabilizing the country have finally lost their reason for existing.
These incorrigible estupidos have run out of their devious "investigations" borne of canards, prepped witnesses, affidavits made out of fallacies, the sinister rhetoric of devil worshippers, and all their inane excuses for "protest".
All they have left, is their overarching ambition to make this country bleed for their own aggrandizement. The communists, the politicians all want to grab power.
To control the country and whip everyone to toe their flimsy and whimsical supposed programmes for change.
In their hearts all these satanic disciples have left is evil. The shared loneliness and dark meanderings of those insanely lusting for power, more power, more and more power.
These sorry excuses for earth creatures, compleat nincompoops and mindless animals are now resorting to violence.
Sen. Mirriam Santiago exposed their plot to kill once and for all, President Arroyo.
Mrs. Aquino is capable of that. In her tenure, a Filipino secret agent was exposed spying in Malaysia. She authorized the execution of that Filipino agent without batting an eyelash.
No priest, bishop, even cardinal has any right to stop the public from believing that Cory Aquino is ruthless. What had her own coldblooded, ruthless parents taught her if not to be hard and calluous? Of that, Ms. Denky Juliano Soliman, Cory Aquino's factotum, is very conversant. Denky's own papa grew up with Cory Cojuangco, and boy! Her dad was really a sadist! That is the reason why Hacienda Luisita fell from grace. That is why Hacienda became a losing venture. The Cojuangcos had no heart.
Pres. Arroyo -- they all wanted her dead since 2001. They have not really stopped dreaming of that time when she will finally be laid to rest. How morbid these people could get!
For a long time now, their communist allies have been engaged in extreme, radical measures. The CPP and its breakaway groups engage government troops in violent attacks almost every day in the provinces.
CPP and the breakaway factions provide the destabilization forces with so-called "protesters", mostly recruits of the communist movement like the lumpen proletariat --- the poorest of the poor --- or the small farm workers like those who were motored to battle the police in the City of Manila.
Their deep frustration and desperation will soon manifest in more and more violence that at a certain point, we the people ourselves will grow tired of their mindlessness and troublesomeness and we will take them out of the picture.
Let us all wield ourselves into one solid force and counteract these bastards for sowing chaos and instability in our country. For anything that is good for the country, will be black and abominable to them! They want the country to suffer and slowly crawl on its belly, helpless, gutless that we can even afford to make a deal with these satanists.
The next acts they will commit will be very severe terrorist attacks against us the people.
Let us finally put an end to the troublesome deeds of the forces of destabilization!
Let us show our anger and outrage at their ruthlessness and coldheartedness! Let us not allow these animals and demonic inspired creatures to ruin our nation!!!
Tie a red and blue ribbon in your homes, cars and offices to show our loyalty to the Flag of the Republic of the Philippines!
And to show these satanists that we oppose their devil works!
Let us form the Patriots' RED and BLUE Movement!!!
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Cory Group's Treachery and Subversion
Treachery Against Nation, Subversion vs. United Nations, World Bank, International Donors Community's Programmes
Philippine NGOs announce they are “partners”, instead of adversarial counterparts, of the Panibagong Paraan: Development with Equity 2006 which is a multisectoral undertaking, in which Mrs Corason Soliman a/k/a Denky who practically “owns” the group CODE-NGO with a few other people, is involved with the Department of Social Welfare and Development, the World Bank and other international and local development partners, civil society organizations, and the private sector. Supposedly, the most important characteristic of Panibagong Paraan is the grant competition for innovative development projects responding to the theme “Development with Equity”.
Under this theme, people’s organizations (POs), community-based groups, NGOs, schools, and 5th- and 6th-class municipalities are asked to submit project ideas that address equity issues in the Philippines. Launched in September, the second Panibagong Paraan will culminate in an exhibit-social policy forum in May 2006. Concept notes for proposed projects will be accepted until November 30, 2005. For more information about Panibagong Paraan 2006, visit the Panibagong Paraan website
The supposed “large-scale” groups (especially CODE-NGO) vaunting to represent “civil society” in the Philippines and formerly kowtowing to Cory Aquino, composed of the likes of those such as Denky Soliman, Teresita Quintos Deles, Imelda Nicolas, Danilo Songco, and a few others that supposedly number in the thousands of NGOs in name are actually made up of the same one hundred or so persons only who are members several times over of different “paper NGOs”.
These groups have been able to defraud European and U.S. NGOs like the New York based lawyers for human rights, the European MISEREOR, Canada’s CIDA and many other Aid-NGOs. They have bilked the NOVIB and many others of funds that Soliman and company used for personal purposes. Behaving worse than the ones they call crocodiles in the public sector, Soliman and her pro-Cory Aquino groups have been disenfranchising thousands of poor whom Soliman and her ilk have been naming as beneficiaries in “project proposals.”
After defrauding these said funding organizations, Soliman and company shifted to the systematic milking of government agencies such as the Department of Agrarian Reform (now Department of Land Reform) through their allies who were able to infiltrate the pro-farmers agency like Ernesto Garilao, Noel Olano, Hector Soliman and many others. (Olano, the right hand man of Garilao was eventually kicked out by the government from DAR for committing falsification of government documents.) Hundreds of millions from foreign and local funds were stolen by Soliman and company.
While Soliman and company had a handful of farmers under her “MASIPAG” project that was supported by OXFAM and other foreign NGOs, they were able to infiltrate as many agrarian reform beneficiary organizations when they were able to consolidate their power over the Agrarian Reform Beneficiary Associations (ARBAs) that were effectively created by the land reform initiatives of the late Ferdinand Marcos.
Soliman and company ran afoul with the group of Horacio Morales, said to be a nephew of the late Gen. Fabian Ver and cousin of another “NGO” personality, Luis Gascon a/k/a Chito ( – who was one of the more important and pampered military’s spy rings in the University of the Philippines and who later joined the NGO community and lately infiltrated the Department of Education – DepEd. Gascon joined Soliman et al in resigning from President Arroyo’s Cabinet this year.)
Eventually, they were able to creep into the mechanism for accessing funds from other parts of government and even the private sector, including the banking sector when their ally Danilo Songco was able to ingratiate himself to the group of Jose Marcelo Ejercito a/k/a Joseph Estrada and was appointed as Director of the Development Bank of the Philippines. (Because he joined the EDSA II operations to oust Estrada in 2000 to 2001, Songco was rewarded with a hold-over status at the Development Bank of the Philippines for another three years until 2004. There were others in their networks, friendly or hostile, who on the other hand, infiltrated the Department of National Defense through the DND-NGOs interface. On the other hand, Soliman and company were able to become deeply entrenched in the government: Soliman as Secretary of Department of Social Welfare and Development, Teresita Quintos Deles as Presidential Adviser, head of the office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process, Imelda Nicolas as the Chairman of the National Anti-Poverty Commission, Office of the President.)
Soliman and company much, much earlier, also developed or infiltrated allies into the pro-people fund management NGO of the Philippine Business community called the Philippine Business for Social Progress (PBSP).
While “sharing” power with President Arroyo, Soliman and company exploited their link to selected members of the clergy and used them as the sieve in illegally obtaining One Billion Seven Hundred Thousand Philippine Pesos (P1.7-B) skim from an anomalous deal selling government “PEACE BONDS” to the private sector.
This group of Cory Aquino made up of thieves and racketeers, should never be allowed by the World Bank to further participate in WB-sponsored projects because they will merely steal the money intended for the beneficiaries as they have been doing in the past.
Instead, the NGO community should prosecute Cory Aquino and her factotums for misusing the money for the people and after joining a/k/a Joseph Estrada and turning against him, they now turn against President Arroyo after enjoying a privileged and extravagant existence while they were in power.
All told, the Cory Aquino group and their allies, have stolen billions and billions of money intended for the poor people of the Philippines and even those intended for other Southeast Asian countries! They should be meted their respective sentences in or out of the government’s purview!
There is no doubt that with their infiltration of the DSWD-World Bank project, they will also further penetrate the UN initiatives to strengthen public sector and NGO cooperation in creating a better-world-environment for everyone starting this millennium.
Those who are in authority should stop Cory Aquino’s group from further being in a position to steal money intended for the poor of the world and especially of the Philippines and Southeast Asia!!!
To compound the problems they are causing, Cory Aquino and the groups of her factotums are leading the destabilization of the Philippines that is struggling very hard to keep afloat amidst the current world recession and escalating prices of crude oil and basic commodities! On the other hand, allied groups like the rebel CPP-NPA and their sectoral parties, Bayan Muna, Anak Pawis, Gabriela, lead in armed ambuscades and massacres and executions in the cities and the rural areas!!! Nothing could be more contrary to the vision of the UN to strengthen nations!!! Nothing could be more adverse to the desire of the Filipino people for peace, welfare and development!!! Nothing could be more terrorist than that!!!
Down with all these thieves!!!
Down with all their infiltrator-allies in DSWD, DLR!!!
Down with the YELLOW BRIGADE!!!
Down with Cory Aquino!!!
Down with the CODE-NGO!!!
Down with Denky Soliman!!!
Down with Teresita Deles!!!
Down with Danilo Songco!!!
Down with AKBAYAN!!!
Down with Bayan Muna !!! and parent organization, terrorist CPP-NPA!!!
Down with SANLAKAS!!!
Down with Freedom from Debt Coalition!!!
Down with all the DESTABILIZERS!!!
Excerpt of U.N. Report “In Larger Freedom” on Consultation with NGOs
B. Larger freedom: development, security and human rights
12. Our guiding light must be the needs and hopes of peoples everywhere. In my Millennium Report, “We the peoples” (A/54/2000), I drew on the opening words of the Charter of the United Nations to point out that the United Nations, while it is an organization of sovereign States, exists for and must ultimately serve those needs. To do so, we must aim, as I said when first elected eight years ago, “to perfect the triangle of development, freedom and peace”.
13. The framers of the Charter saw this very clearly. In setting out to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, they understood that this enterprise could not succeed if it was narrowly based. They therefore decided to create an organization to ensure respect for fundamental human rights, establish conditions under which justice and the rule of law could be maintained, and “promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom”.
14. I have named the present report “In larger freedom” to stress the enduring relevance of the Charter of the United Nations and to emphasize that its purposes must be advanced in the lives of individual men and women. The notion of larger freedom also encapsulates the idea that development, security and human rights go hand in hand.
15. Even if he can vote to choose his rulers, a young man with AIDS who cannot read or write and lives on the brink of starvation is not truly free. Equally, even if she earns enough to live, a woman who lives in the shadow of daily violence and has no say in how her country is run is not truly free. Larger freedom implies that men and women everywhere have the right to be governed by their own consent, under law, in a society where all individuals can, without discrimination or retribution, speak, worship and associate freely. They must also be free from want — so that the death sentences of extreme poverty and infectious disease are lifted from their lives — and free from fear — so that their lives and livelihoods are not ripped apart by violence and war. Indeed, all people have the right to security and to development.
16. Not only are development, security and human rights all imperative; they also reinforce each other. This relationship has only been strengthened in our era of rapid technological advances, increasing economic interdependence, globalization and dramatic geopolitical change. While poverty and denial of human rights may not be said to “cause” civil war, terrorism or organized crime, they all greatly increase the risk of instability and violence. Similarly, war and atrocities are far from the only reasons that countries are trapped in poverty, but they undoubtedly set back development. Again, catastrophic terrorism on one side of the globe, for example an attack against a major financial centre in a rich country, could affect the
development prospects of millions on the other by causing a major economic downturn and plunging millions into poverty. And countries which are well governed and respect the human rights of their citizens are better placed to avoid the horrors of conflict and to overcome obstacles to development.
17. Accordingly, we will not enjoy development without security, we will not enjoy security without development, and we will not enjoy either without respect for human rights. Unless all these causes are advanced, none will succeed. In this new millennium, the work of the United Nations must move our world closer to the day when all people have the freedom to choose the kind of lives they would like to live, the access to the resources that would make those choices meaningful and the security to ensure that they can be enjoyed in peace.
C. The imperative of collective action
18. In a world of interconnected threats and challenges, it is in each country’s self-interest that all of them are addressed effectively. Hence, the cause of larger freedom can only be advanced by broad, deep and sustained global cooperation among States. Such cooperation is possible if every country’s policies take into account not only the needs of its own citizens but also the needs of others. This kind of cooperation not only advances everyone’s interests but also recognizes our common humanity.
19. The proposals contained in the present report are designed to strengthen States and enable them to serve their peoples better by working together on the basis of shared principles and priorities — which is, after all, the very reason the United Nations exists. Sovereign States are the basic and indispensable building blocks of the international system. It is their job to guarantee the rights of their citizens, to protect them from crime, violence and aggression, and to provide the framework of freedom under law in which individuals can prosper and society develop. If States are fragile, the peoples of the world will not enjoy the security, development and justice that are their right. Therefore, one of the great challenges of the new millennium is to ensure that all States are strong enough to meet the many challenges they face.
20. States, however, cannot do the job alone. We need an active civil society and a dynamic private sector. Both occupy an increasingly large and important share of the space formerly reserved for States alone, and it is plain that the goals outlined here will not be achieved without their full engagement.
21. We also need agile and effective regional and global intergovernmental institutions to mobilize and coordinate collective action. As the world’s only universal body with a mandate to address security, development and human rights issues, the United Nations bears a special burden. As globalization shrinks distances around the globe and these issues become increasingly interconnected, the comparative advantages of the United Nations become ever more evident. So too, however, do some of its real weaknesses. From overhauling basic management practices and building a more transparent, efficient and effective United Nations system to revamping our major intergovernmental institutions so that they reflect
today’s world and advance the priorities set forth in the present report, we must reshape the Organization in ways not previously imagined and with a boldness and speed not previously shown.
22. In our efforts to strengthen the contributions of States, civil society, the private sector and international institutions to advancing a vision of larger freedom, we must ensure that all involved assume their responsibilities to turn good words into good deeds. We therefore need new mechanisms to ensure accountability — the accountability of States to their citizens, of States to each other, of international institutions to their members and of the present generation to future generations. Where there is accountability we will progress; where there is none we will underperform. The business of the summit to be held in September 2005 must be to ensure that, from now on, promises made are promises kept.
D. Time to decide
23. At this defining moment in history, we must be ambitious. Our action must be as urgent as the need, and on the same scale. We must face immediate threats immediately. We must take advantage of an unprecedented consensus on how to promote global economic and social development, and we must forge a new consensus on how to confront new threats. Only by acting decisively now can we both confront the pressing security challenges and win a decisive victory in the global battle against poverty by 2015.
24. In today’s world, no State, however powerful, can protect itself on its own. Likewise, no country, weak or strong, can realize prosperity in a vacuum. We can and must act together. We owe it to each other to do so, and we owe each other an account of how we do so. If we live up to those mutual commitments, we can make the new millennium worthy of its name.